Collaboration with Matt Harding


Throwing 1-4

Since 2017 Matt Harding and Esmeralda Valencia Lindström have been exploring the act of throwing through a series of performances and recordings.

Throwing 2 used multiple sound channels and silent disco headphones, blending the sounds of the different activities going on during a busy performance event. It was performed at the University of HDK-Valand in Gothenburg in 2018.

Throwing 3 took the shape of a Radio play made for Radiophrenia in 2019.
Mask – a radio play in six acts featuring mask, turf, nuts, wind and keys, is 30 min long and can be found at the bottom of this page.

Throwing 4 took place at Project Divfuse in London, 2022.
For this performance, the objects thrown were borrowed from situations where their owners had been waiting to decide whether to keep or throw them away. Temporarily borrowed from this limbo they were used to highlight differences in acoustics between the spaces in and around the gallery. Simultaneously performed, recorded, and played on speakers in the space the piece generated rhythms via the interaction between/ of the throwers, the people recording, and the location itself.
Below is an extract from the score.


Sleeping yet Pointing, 2017.

In 1841 Poet John Clare journeyed from the asylum where he resided in Loughton back to his home in North Cambridgeshire, walking over 80 miles in four days. Stopping along the way he would sleep at night with his head facing north, so as to know which direction he should begin walking in the morning. A simple directive and corporeal instruction to be taken as a starting or continuation point.

During a ten day residency musician Matt Harding and artist Esmeralda Valencia Lindström took turns to work in the space at Five Years.  Using the idea of Clare’s sleeping yet pointing body they were working in isolation but leaving arrangements of materials and sounds behind as instructions for the other.